Conde – a puzzle game about connecting things!

On 24 kwietnia 2014, in Android, ios, News, by evilindiegames

“Creativity is just connecting things” – Conde is a puzzle game about connecting things together
in a creative way.

Imagine connecting source to the receiver using only 3 blocks – is that so simple? Not at all.
Check your creativity with this simple, clear but demanding puzzle game.
Try solving all 42 uniquely designed levels and become convinced that Conde is a brilliant
puzzle game which scales incredibly well.

Conde Deluxe for iOS:

Conde for iOS:

Conde Deluxe for Android:

Conde for Android:


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One Response to Conde – a puzzle game about connecting things!

  1. Greta pisze:

    I played Conde and I liked it so I bought conde deluxe but I’m surprised there weren’t more levels in the Deluxe version. Also, the hints button is placed badly on the right. I touched it a lot involuntarily while playing whit my right hand.

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